About Us

We are English & French Freelance Translators based in London and Paris. We offer translation and copywriting services in only these two languages that we love and cherish! Unlike large and faceless multilingual agencies operating a fleet of outsourced translators, we favour a personal approach and always look to develop long-term partnerships with our clients.

English-and-french.com draws on the combined talents and experience of:

Yannick Muet (Founder)Yannick Muet - 2020
English to French & French to English Translator • Copywriter
Yannick graduated from the Sorbonne University (BA in Literature, MA in Geopolitics) and cut his teeth writing two books concerning Geopolitics, History and Political Thought:
“Le Débat européen dans l’Entre-deux-Guerres, Paris, Economica, 1995
“Les Géographes et l’Europe, Geneva, Institut Européen, 1996.

He has lived in Paris and London and has worked as an English to French Translator (and vice-versa) since 1998. His specialist areas and interests are: History, Literature, Geopolitics, International Development & World Affairs, Transport, Sports, Arts & Music.


Paul Scott
Copywriter • IT & Web Consultant
A Londoner by birth, Paul has been a “wordsmith” throughout his working life ever since graduating from Manchester University, as well a freelance IT Programmer and Web Developer with more than 20 years of experience. There is no page of code that he can’t debug or tech issue that he can’t solve!

His specialist areas and interests are: Culture & Society, Politics, Economics, International Development & World Affairs, IT & Web Development & Music.

And one last word…
Both Yannick and Paul are accomplished musicians in their spare time (drums, double-bass, piano and guitar in Yannick’s case; electronic & classical music in Paul’s case. So if you have an Anthology of Jazz or a Biography of Chopin that need translating, you know where to come!