Website Translation

Translating your website should not be an afterthought

Although English is, to varying degrees, increasingly understood across the world, nothing comes close to addressing your French-speaking audience or customers in their native language. Conversely, translating your French website into English is one of the most efficient ways to reach an international market.

Beyond translation, we can also help you adapt your Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) campaign to the intended market. The appropriate choice of keywords and phrases in English or French will greatly benefit the prominence of your site in the local search engines, making it more visible to a regional audience.

Your long-term partner: websites need to change constantly to reflect the changing business environment. We can always be relied upon to add pages or to make suitable changes to your website as you require.

We can receive and return your website content in these formats:

  • Word and other office formats: you send your content to us as a document with all encoding or mark-up languages removed and we return it in the same manner. In our experience, this is the preferred method of most of our clients.
  • Source Code: we translate your content directly from your website source code (.html, .asp, .php, java etc.). As this is generally more time consuming, a 20% supplement will be added to your quote.
  • CMS: Alternatively, we can upload the translated material directly to your Content Management System.
  • Graphical Elements: If you require text which is contained within a graphic file (.jpg, .gif, .png, Flash, Illustrator, etc.), we can translate it and return it to you in a format of your convenience (such as an Excel spreadsheet).

If in doubt, please contact us to discuss the most appropriate solution for your needs.