Our Clients

Some past and present clients include…

Orange / France Telecom
• Brochures, corporate literature & advertising materials
• Internal documents and HR
• English to French translations related to the company’s globalisation and re-branding process
• All translations from 1998 to 2010: company newsletter, website, brochures, technical documents
• English to French and French to English
• Monthly economics and political reports on West Africa.
• French to English translations
• Translation into English of a 300-page book: “Mécènes sans frontières” / “Giving without borders”
• Charter of Corporate Philanthropy
Pierre Laporte Communication
• French to English translations
• Presentations and PR campaigns translation for international cultural events
• Heritage preservation, art exhibitions, book fairs, etc.
• Brochures and corporate literature
• Monthly annual reports
• English to French
Odradek Records
• Classical music & jazz cd booklets; reviews; web, etc.
• Musicology & Music History texts
• English to French & French to English
Fondation EDF
• French to English translation
• Internal documents and HR
Assemblée Nationale (French National Assembly)
• Research and copywriting (French) on political, economic and social issues
• English to French & French to English translations for cross-parliamentary documents (American Congress, British Parliament…)
• Note: works carried out as parliamentary assistant and not service provider
Alternatives Economiques
• English to French translation
• Translation of economics articles by Joseph Stiglitz (Nobel Prize in Economics)
• International network for fashion professionals
• Website launch, PR campaigns and advertising
• English to French
Saudi Fund for Development
• Translation of documentaries related to the Fund’s missions in Africa
• English to French
API Consulting
• Production (and subsequent translation) of a 100-page analysis on international sports and cultural sponsorship
• English & French copywriting and translation
Venice Biennale
• Translation for the presentation of the Lebanese Pavilion at Venice’s 57th Biennale of Contemporary Art
• French to English
Fondation Jean Jaurès
• Research and documentation (French) for books of politics and economics
Antrak Logistics
• Specialised translations (shipping and transport)
• English to French & French to English
Cameron Maritime Resources
• Specialist translations (shipping and transport)
• English to French