A map of English and French-speaking countries. Une carte des pays anglophones et francophones.

More than words… Between the myriad of free (and variably accurate) online tools and large, impersonal multilingual agencies employing hundreds of freelance translators, finding the right translator for your operations can be a challenging task.

English-and-french.com offers a range of professional translation and copywriting services, from the highly specialised to the more general. Our aim is simple: to provide flawless translations each and every time and to develop whenever possible long term relationships with our clients.

Five reasons to choose us:

    • 20 years of experience: we have been tried and tested in many fields since 1998. Whether your text requires an attractive and engaging style or a highly precise nomenclature, we will deliver.
    • Experts in our languages: unlike large multilingual agencies, we only work in the two languages we love and know inside-out: English and French!
    • Experts in our sectors: we have an extensive knowledge of a variety of business areas and understand the importance of industry-specific terminology.
    • Swift delivery at competitive prices: we can work round-the-clock to meet your deadline. Unlike large agencies, our overheads are few so we can keep costs to a minimum.
    • A personal touch: our small but perfectly formed team is dedicated and approachable. Think of us as your outsourced translation department.